Break on Through! Psyche-Spiritual Art! Part 1

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Here are some choice selections of pschedelic/spiritual art from this group's galleries. (Note: The artists may not agree with my interpretation or presentation of their work, in which case they have my sincere apologies. Featured artists, you are invited to comment on my comments, after which I will update the journal entry with your own input!).

The last Patriot by DennisKonstantin (Dennis Konstantin of Germany)…

This is a PAINTING, not a digital rendering. What’s most intriguing about this image is the figure itself, made up of a latticework of light. It’s holding out its hands as if trying to protect itself or communicate with us. In the background we can see the mushroom cloud form a nuclear explosion, and the artist’s description says, “.....are you ready for the capitalistic meltdown?” This isn’t just about politics or systems of economics, but rather about the erosion of the simulacrum, or false concept of reality we impose on existence. Here “capitalism” is just one such example. What seems to remain when the intellectual superstructure is wiped, is a kind of disembodied consciousness. The painting asks if you ready to float free in this realm without reassuring belief systems such as "capitalism"?

I've already included 2 other similar, and spectacular pieces by this artist in the gallery:

UMOIP by DennisKonstantin Morphologische Verzerrung by DennisKonstantin

Finding Peace Amongst Chaos by Jessica-Joy (Jessica Joy of Chicago, USA)…

In her description the artists asks, "My latest piece. Whats your interpretation? (without the title)
The following is my answer.

If you look at this delicately beautiful painting/drawing (done with various paints and pencils), you can see a flower (probably a lotus), floating between her eyes. Behind her eyes is a mandala-like form animating her consciousness. We don’t see the woman’s mouth, so speech is absent. The focus is on the eyes, which are seeing, if not actually looking, and yet what is in the mind/awareness behind the eyes is a vast opening. The mind is clear, radiant, and still. Aside from any interpretation, this is a gorgeous painting that itself transmits peace, calm, and beauty.

See other somewhat related works by Jessica here:

Construction of Life by Jessica-Joy Recombinant Visions by Jessica-Joy Cellular self portrait by Jessica-Joy

Bloom by farboart (Fabián Jiménez of Mexico)…

This piece is not entirely unlike the previous work. In accordance with the title, there are blooming flower buds emanating from the crown of the figure’s head. From each opening bud a light radiates. It appears as if the subject has had a sudden awakening into greater consciousness, so that the area above his head, representing his awareness, has the characteristics of another dimension. Please don't dismiss this work as just another 3d rendering job, and assume the artist doesn't have the kind of traditional skills needed to make this work possible. He also has galleries full of paintings, fine pencil drawings, and etchings, from which here are a few examples:

.Untitled by farboart Maritza by farboart Quetzalcoatl 02 by farboart

Here is a similar work to the one featured, by Fabián:


Sun is breathing colors by Birni4 (Michael Birnstingl from Austria)…

I’m not sure exactly what the artist intended, and I have my own interpretation that may be off the mark, but I think is in line with it in terms of it’s overall effect, which is outside of language to begin with. (If words could describe one’s art, we wouldn’t need to bother making it.) The figure is being watched, and falling into, the eye of God (not in a very literal sense), where it will be subsumed, annihilated, and integrated into the totality. However one slices it, there’s a tiny human figure coming in contact with an obviously greater beingness/reality/awareness. If for no other reason, you might relish this image for the treatment of the eyelashes!

This artist has many spectacular works along similar lines, which are definitely worth inspecting closely:

Mature Content

Cycle Of Life by Birni4

Mature Content

Valley of desires 666666 by Birni4
Silent Cry by Birni4

1.54 no by jsyrost (Jeremy of UK)…

Quite similar to the preceding image, this misleadingly simple painting is worth lingering over. Here we see someone sitting on an eyelid and looking into the abyss of an infinite white pupil. Or it may be sitting and looking at us through one eye in the center of it’s head. Either way, as in the former image, we see a figure in close proximity to an infinitely greater level of existence/awareness. In the simplicity of this image resides glowing clarity. Also please notice the use of texture in the raised dark curved lines, and particularly in the impasto red fabric. Note also the remnants of a loose drawing, probably rendered in ball point pen.

After seeing the feature, the artist contacted me, said I "describe the piece well," and then shared more of his own vision of the work:

the figure could be facing either way... the idea behind it:

at the brink of enlightenment one is faced with the ultimate truth, the dissolving of the self... the person meditating here is suddenly filled with dread, he is not prepared to cut all fetters...'no', im not ready for this.

I have another similar image by Jeremy in the gallery here:


Death, Dissolution, and the Void by Eric Kuns (me)…

To finish this installment of “Break on Through,” here’s an offering from yours truly. Most everything I’ve said about the previous images applies to this one as well. As in the last two images there’s a figure coming into contact, and being immersed in, a greater consciousness/reality. Here we see the same head on both sides of a separating veneer, in this case (not exactly literally) between the realms of life and after-death. The image is meant to be read from left to right. The figure melts and cracks apart in the immediate aftermath of death (from a subjective perspective), then crosses some sort of barrier, causing ripples in the fabric of reality (so to speak). There a second head floats as a mere image or memory before it is ultimately forgotten. Next the former person is a spherical emanation of spirit, about to be consumed by the infinite potential of the void in the upper right.

See another somewhat similar work by me here:

Transfixion by Art-of-Eric-Wayne

Stay tuned for part II, though I may do some other features before returning to this theme.
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Mishkin-Rayman's avatar
Really like Jessica Joy's piece, great work. Though I think I like her work "recombinant visions" even more. Just my cup of tea.